Monday, January 7, 2008

Lyco Lax Schedule

Alex went back to school yesterday and her classes begin today. Her lacrosse team has posted their 2008 schedule. I am hoping to continue on the tradition that Chris and I set last year of attending at least 1/2 or more of the games. It's not easy since the boys are both playing lacrosse too but I'm hoping that I can swing it. Here is the schedule for you to see:

2008 Lycoming Women's Lacrosse Schedule
March 5 Ursinus Home 4:00pm

8 Montclair Home


12 Eastern Away 4:30pm

15 Buffalo State College Home 1:00pm

16 Arcadia Away 1:00pm

19 Susquehanna Home 4:30pm

21 St. John Fisher Away 1:00pm

29 Manhattanville Home 2:00pm

April 2 King's Away 4:00pm

5 William Smith Away 11:00am

6 Colorado College at William Smith Away 11:00am

10 Elizabethtown Home 4:00pm

12 Widener Home 1:00pm

15 Messiah Away 7:00pm

19 FDU-Florham Away 3:00pm

26 Wilkes Home 3:00pm

29 MAC-Playoffs TBA TBA

May 1 MAC-Semi-Finals TBA TBA

3 MAC-Finals TBA TBA

I did map out the away games and there are some close ones as well. Here they are:

Eastern - Near Harrisburg, PA
Arcadia - North of Philadelphia
ST. John Fisher - Rochester, NY
Kings - Wilkes Barre, PA
William Smith - Geneva, NY
Messiah - South of Harrisburg, PA

That 's the update for now. Not much else is happening. Christmas, and New Year's are over. A very difficult time for me for sure. A lot harder than I had prepared for. The decorations are put away and we are trying to get into a routine now.

Take care...

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