Friday, April 25, 2008

Lycoming Pink Out Donation

This just in. The Lycoming Women's Lacrosse team raised just over $6,000 for all of their hard effort at the Pink Out game on April 12th. All proceeds from the game were donated to the Climb for Hope program.

Special thanks to Coach Kara Reber and the entire team!

Another Busy Weekend Ahead

Well tomorrow is going to be an incredibly busy day. Alex is done with school as of yesterday (Thursday). Her lacrosse team is playing their last regular season game tomorrow. She also needs to move out of her dorm on Sunday as all the athletes are rounded up and placed in the same dorm for the remaining time on campus. I need to go up and gather up some of her bigger items to bring home. She can then get the remaining items in her car when she finally comes home. Their MAC conference tournament begins next Wednesday with a game vs. FDU Florham. A team they just lost to last weekend. A tough matchup BUT they should certainly give them a good game. If they win they play Friday next week. Win again and it's off to the NCAA tournament! We'll see.

Tyler has a game at 9am tomorrow. I'm planning on going to that to cheer them on. Michael has a game at 1:30 in Thrumont. Not too close to here. I sent out an email Thursday to a bunch of people telling them of my plans for the weekend and as usual everyone has stepped up to help out. Ty has a ride home and Michael a ride up and back from his game. This will give me plenty of time to get up to Lycoming to see Alex's game and get her stuff. The boys will be home by themselves until I get home later in the evening but they don't mind too much.

I've decided to start telling more people my itinerary on days when I won't be close to home. It's important for me to know that extra eyes will be out for the boys. It's also important for people to know where I am and where I am going just in case something should happen to me as well.

Tyler is nearing the completion of his confirmation classes and his confirmation will be on May 16'th. Unfortunately, that is the same weekend as the Camp Jamie camp through the Hospice of Frederick County so he can't go. Michael's application was accepted and he will be going. Camp Jamie is a wonderful place for young children to go and get help in coping with the loss of a loved one. He really needs the help and this will be perfect. He is also attending some special classes in his school with kids in similar situations. He said there are about 6 kids and that they talk about all sorts of things. He likes talking about it.

Wish Alex luck this weekend and I'll try and fill you all in next week...

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Night Lights

I thought I would show a map view of the cemetery and how close it is to the stadium where the Frederick Keys play their home games. Chris really enjoyed working with the Keys organization for their marketing and community involvement. It's only fitting that the night game lights shine on her!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

A beautiful monument!

Yesterday (Saturday) Tyler was with his grandfather fishing, and Michael and I were home together. He had a lacrosse game around noon. He and I talked about going by the cemetery after going out to breakfast and we were still on for that. He hasn't been there except 1 time and that was back in October. He was very well prepared.

When we entered the cemetery there were 2 huge firetrucks with a giant American flag hung between them in honor of one of their members that was being buried that morning. We drove under the flag and went back to to gravesite.

When we turned the final corner and started heading down the road I could see at a distance that the cemetery had installed the headstone that I had ordered. It was beautiful as you can see from the pictures.

We were there for awhile and I had my camera so I took a few pictures. While there a man in a skirt showed up. (PETER ELLIOTT The Bagpipe guy). He was the gentleman that played at Chris's funeral and was there to play for the firefighter. He introduced himself to us and we chatted for a while.

Before we left Michael left a baseball, and mini helmet that he got at opening day this year at the Frederick Keys Stadium. The ball was a foul-ball that landed at his feet while walking the concourse. Fate? You can see the stadium from Chris's gravesite so we all know she's watching every game!

The front of her headstone has her favorite flower on it, iris. The back is engraved with a saying that was her favorite. It was also a verse that she used for a caligraphy project that is haning in our dining room. That picture was also brought to the funeral home where many of you I'm sure saw. The angel, of course, is there to keep watch over her every day.

View Larger Map

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Charlie's update on the Pink Out!

Saturday was the big day. The Pink-out lacrosse game. The results of which are in my previous post. The boys and I left around 8ish and got to the stadium around 11:30 or so. Some close friends were already there with the grill fired up! We got to see Alex for a few minutes before she went in to get dressed for the day.

Everyone had their pink t-shirts ons. It was incredible. Even the opposing team had pink warmup shirts on. Everyone was in pink. Watching everyone warm up was pretty fun as it was hard to tell who was who.

Before the game started they announced the starting lineups and when Alex's name was called there was a huge cheer from the crowd! Before the national anthem they announced that this game was dedicated in memory of Chris and read a very well prepared statement about her and what the Climb for Hope Charity was all about. After that, they had a moment of silence in her honor. I cannot tell you how beautiful that was. It was just overwhelming. I had a very hard time keeping it together. The national anthem was played and sung by one of the Lyco students. Across the way I could see Alex was crying as was I and many others. She was being comforted by several of her teammates, I by my friends.

After the anthem is usually when the game begins. However, this time the entire Lycoming women's lacrosse team came running across the field to the side where the fans (me too) were all sitting. Kara (the head coach) came forward with Alex and presented me with a beautiful bouquet of flowers and a rolled up certificate. She told me that the team had made it possible for a commemorative brick to be placed on the commencement stairs just inside the main gate. It will read "In memory of Christine DeWitt". this gate is opened 1 time a year for commencement . Students march through the gate into the quad for graduation and that is it.

It was a beautiful honor. Alex was there still crying and she and I embraced. We were both so very emotional mainly due to the overwhelming love and support of our friends and teammates. Words cannot express the feelings.

After the game began I took the flowers over to my Mother-in-law and presented them to her. She too was overwhelmed. This has been a difficult time for mom and dad as you could only imagine. I was so glad that they were able to see such a wonderful tribute to their daughter and that she continues to live one within all of us, especially Alex.

The game was a great game. The weather was the most beautiful day we could have asked for. The day before had torrential rains. The day after sprinkles and cold. So someone had a hand in making Saturday the best. Thanks Chris.

As fans were leaving the stadium someone came up to me to say hello. It was Alex's high school lacrosse coach and his wife! They were at the entire game and wanted to let me know how impressed he was with Alex and her play, but also how impressed he was that the team that she was on was so caring and supportive. They are the ultimate definition of "team".

After the game there was a big tailgate for the team and fans. We all stayed for awhile and got a chance to meet other parents and friends. After a long afternoon we went back to the hotel and checked in. There were several close friends of mine that all stayed at the hotel. We all ate dinner together later in the eveing at the hotel restaurant. Alex, Jon (1-n), and Matty went back to campus after dinner where they did college stuff!!!! Matty said they were at the library all night. I seem to doubt that! A few of us went across the street to the Bullfrog brewery for a couple drinks and desert.

I went to bed and Tyler and Michael were already asleep. Of course, 1 in each of the 2 beds. That left me to pick the one with the most room and that was with Michael! I woke up at 4 becuase of the sunburn on my head and I think I was just overly tired. I did fall asleep for an hour before finally getting up to say goodbye to everyone.

Today we left Williamsport around 8:30 as Tyler had to get back for Confirmation Class. He went to that and Michael had a lacrosse game. I watched that and then had to hustle home and get his carpool together for religion class. When I went back to pick up the 5 kids at church I ran into and spoke with a neighbor that I had not seen in awhile. He said that he continues to read my blog and that he really enjoys keeping up with everything that I post. It really made me feel good about writing things on the blog. I know that I cannot keep this up forever but I will continue to do so as long as I can. Thanks for the vote of confidence John!

All the pictures that I took that day can be found here:
If you went to the game and want to share some with others just send me a link.

Lycoming Press Release

Lycoming women’s lacrosse beats Widener, celebrates seniors

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Directions to Lycoming Stadium

Many of you are travelling up to see the Pink Out game this Saturday. Please note the the stadium is NOT on the campus of Lycoming College. It's a few blocks away.

The 1st map shown is the directions to the only street on Alex's campus just after you cross the river into Williamsport.

If you find directions to Lycoming College then this link will get you to the stadium from the main (only ) road for the campus which is College Place.

Basically, the entrance to the college will be on your right. Just past that is a Wendy's on your left. Turn Left at that intersection. The rest is on the map...

After the game if you are going to spend the night at the Genetti Hotel in downtown, then follow this link for directions from the field to the hotel.

For those of you coming from down South either by 81 or by 15N to Harrisburg I suggest this route around Harrisburg:

And for those coming from 83 by Baltimore this map around the north side of Harrisburg is suggested. If you have any questions don't hesitate to email me or call me...

Sunday, April 6, 2008


Well here I sit in front of the TV resting! We had a busy weekend. Friday was so raining that the city closed the fields that we play lacrosse on so we didn't have any games on Saturday. Of course when we go up the sun was shining and it was a very nice day. It never fails.

We did some yard work and started planting flowers in all the flower boxes. Every year Chris would spend hours outside planting flowers and making our home look beautiful. We continue that tradition for her.

Friday, night we went to opening night at the Frederick Keys game. It was so hard for me to be there without her. She enjoyed going there so much. We saw a lot of people there including the Mayor of the City of Frederick. Michael was able to snag a foul ball. We plan on taking it over to Chris's gravesite and leaving it there for her. He wanted to do that. He hasn't been to the cemetery but only one time, but I sense that he is getting ready.

Saturday afternoon the boys and I went to our friend Marianne's house to help her husband Andrew put in some closet shelves in the soon to be, new baby's room. We spent a good part of the evening there and had pizza. She is expecting very soon. Check her out here. She has a blog for the baby progress.

Today, Michael had a lacrosse game in VA. We spent the afternoon down there and although the weather wasn't that great it didn't rain. Ty stayed at home and clened up some things around the house. We are nearing completion on our basement remodel. The bar is done and the TV is on the wall. The picture here shows you how the bar is looking... The main things are done!!! Now we need, flooring, paint, furniture. All things that I dread doing... I'm hoping to get the flooring done this week and picking out a color for the walls. Picking furniture is tough as there are not many places to go here in Frederick.

This weekend is Alex's special lacrosse game that we are all going to . It should be a nice time for all that are going. Keep your fingers crossed that the weather is nice.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Michael gets in the swing of things.

Well after a long winter of practices and indoor games Michael's lacrosse team has finally started it's spring season.

It was a very sunny day last Saturday and a great way to begin. We have a team photographer that has taken some great pictures of all the kids and I put a couple of Michael here.

I went by the cemetery yesterday and noticed that they have dug the footing for the headstone that I ordered. Hopefully in a few weeks it will be installed reflect the honor that Chris deserves.

I'll keep you posted...