Everyone had their pink t-shirts ons. It was incredible. Even the opposing team had pink warmup shirts on. Everyone was in pink. Watching everyone warm up was pretty fun as it was hard to tell who was who.
Before the game started they announced the starting lineups and when Alex's name was called there was a huge cheer from the crowd! Before the national anthem they announced that this game was dedicated in memory of Chris and read a very well prepared statement about her and what the Climb for Hope Charity was all about. After that, they had a moment of silence in her honor. I cannot tell you how beautiful that was. It was just overwhelming. I had a very hard time keeping it together. The national anthem was played and sung by one of the Lyco students. Across the way I could see Alex was crying as was I and many others. She was being comforted by several of her teammates, I by my friends.
It was a beautiful honor. Alex was there still crying and she and I embraced. We were both so very emotional mainly due to the overwhelming love and support of our friends and teammates. Words cannot express the feelings.
After the game began I took the flowers over to my Mother-in-law and presented them to her. She too was overwhelmed. This has been a difficult time for mom and dad as you could only imagine. I was so glad that they were able to see such a wonderful tribute to their daughter and that she continues to live one within all of us, especially Alex.
The game was a great game. The weather was the most beautiful day we could have asked for. The day before had torrential rains. The day after sprinkles and cold. So someone had a hand in making Saturday the best. Thanks Chris.
As fans were leaving the stadium someone came up to me to say hello. It was Alex's high school lacrosse coach and his wife! They were at the entire game and wanted to let me know how impressed he was with Alex and her play, but also how impressed he was that the team that she was on was so caring and supportive. They are the ultimate definition of "team".
After the game there was a big tailgate for the team and fans. We all stayed for awhile and got a chance to meet other parents and friends. After a long afternoon we went back to the hotel and checked in. There were several close friends of mine that all stayed at the hotel. We all ate dinner together later in the eveing at the hotel restaurant. Alex, Jon (1-n), and Matty went back to campus after dinner where they did college stuff!!!! Matty said they were at the library all night. I seem to doubt that! A few of us went across the street to the Bullfrog brewery for a couple drinks and desert.
I went to bed and Tyler and Michael were already asleep. Of course, 1 in each of the 2 beds. That left me to pick the one with the most room and that was with Michael! I woke up at 4 becuase of the sunburn on my head and I think I was just overly tired. I did fall asleep for an hour before finally getting up to say goodbye to everyone.
Today we left Williamsport around 8:30 as Tyler had to get back for Confirmation Class. He went to that and Michael had a lacrosse game. I watched that and then had to hustle home and get his carpool together for religion class. When I went back to pick up the 5 kids at church I ran into and spoke with a neighbor that I had not seen in awhile. He said that he continues to read my blog and that he really enjoys keeping up with everything that I post. It really made me feel good about writing things on the blog. I know that I cannot keep this up forever but I will continue to do so as long as I can. Thanks for the vote of confidence John!
All the pictures that I took that day can be found here: http://picasaweb.google.com/cedewitt
If you went to the game and want to share some with others just send me a link.
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