Friday, August 31, 2007
Day after E-Room
Again I can't say thanks enough to all the emails and calls today. We received flowers from a couple of people and I must say they liven up the house for sure. 1 arrangement came from the Board of Directors of the Lacrosse Club that I'm on. These folks are some of the most caring people I've found! Thanks guys! Check us out at If you like the website let me know. If you don't like it tell the webmaster!
Trying to stay upbeat!
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Chris to the Emergency Room
From: Charles DeWitt []
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2007 10:21 PM
Subject: Chris visits the Emergency Room
Hello to all our friends and family!
Today I had to take Chris to the emergency room here in Frederick.
It has been 7 weeks since Chris went back into Hopkins for her 2nd chemoembolization. The week following the procedure was pretty rough but we were able to take a quick vacation and got some good R&R. After the 3rd week she was feeling well enough to go back to work. She was tired but was able to nap on occasion. Everything was headed in the right direction.
240-285-7251 cell phone
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Not much to report...
Thanks to everyone for keeping tabs on us. NO you are not bothering us. In fact I enjoy the conversation. Today's Chris's staff sent flowers to her to help cheer her up. COMSTAR once again has stepped up and a large number of people have donated money to help us with dinners. Last Friday Malorie brought by 8 dishes that were premade for us. This is a HUGE help. I can take stuff out and cook from frozen or just thaw some and cook.
It's getting harder and harder managing the house. The boys help out a lot but it just seems like sometimes we just can't keep up with all that needs to be done. I don't help. Just better time management I guess! :)
Again thanks to everyone who checks in on us and to those who keep checking the blog. Hit counts are up!
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Sunday, August 26, 2007
Alex back in school
While we were in Williamsport the Little League world series was going on. Saturday was the us and international championship games. You can always go to the games for free if you want to sit in the outfield on the hill. We were able to score 2 tix for Saturday's games AND for the championship game on Sunday. Since Alex was just finishing up her move Michael and I went to the game and she's going to go to today's game. The seats were fantastic! Right behind home plate and 11 rows up from the field. Just like watching in a regular little league park. It was a great time and great games.
The pictures are from Alex. She went to the championship game on Sunday and what and exciting game it was.
Chrissy is unfortunately still in bed. Her back is really starting to hurt her a great deal. She can't sleep and is starting to get down.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Talking to the Dr. now....
Today she went to get some bloodwork done, and went to get a chest x-ray taken. These results will go stat back to the Dr. and hopefully we'll hear something back quickly. She may be sick from something else for all we know. It has been 5 weeks and it's starting to take its toll on everyone, especially Chrissy.
COMSTAR has started the brigade of creating dinners for us again. I think Chris is tired of my cooking! She's thrown up twice if that's any indication! :)
This Saturday I have to take Alex back to college. We will miss her greatly but know that it is for the best. The boys start high school (Ty) and middle school (Mike) on MONDAY! Finally, summer is over. We had a good summer but really like having a routine.
I'll keep you posted as best as I can so please check back often!
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Monday, August 20, 2007
Charlie in Florida
Today Chris's co-worker, Sally, made us white chicken chili! This is Michael's absolute favorite food and I'm sure he just loved it. Her office is starting to make some more dinners for us in the coming weeks. The last 4 weeks have been really tough for me to keep up with dinners and all the running around with the boys. this will help greatly.
Thank SALLY!!! I hope there is some left for me when I get home!....
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Sunday, August 19, 2007
Crab Feast on Saturday
We normally spend the night after the crab feast for various reasons, but this year since Chrissy wasn't up to par we left around 11 or so in order that she could be home if she wasn't feeling well.
Sunday was a rainy day. We have not had one of those in a long time. We slept in until almost 10!!!!! Then just sat around and did NOTHING!!! A little laundry and light picking up but that was it. Very nice day!
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Friday, August 17, 2007
Great day at the Battlefield
Rich and Jill were able to tour the same locations that Rich and his son Ryan visited before. Chrissy has always liked Gettysburg but has not been there in awhile. She unfortunately was not feeling great and the heat was a little high but she still managed to get out a few times and see all the stuff she loves to look at. I took some pictures while we were there. You can look at them here.

Here is his picture on a canon that we will forever remember. As you can see from his big smile, he really enjoyed the visit.
The other picture is of Rich and Jill standing at the same monument that Ryan and Rich stood at as well. Smiles all around!
After, we came back home we went and gathered up the kids and went out to dinner to everyone's favorite restaurant, La Paz, mexican. Great friends, great family, great food, thanks God for a great day...
Thursday, August 16, 2007
STILL not feeling great.
She called the doctor's office yesterday and spoke with them today. They said that the symptoms she described were normal, but that they were generally not normal 4 weeks out. However, some patients do exhibit that behavior, so at this point she is to wait it out a few more days and then check back in early next week.
This weekend our very good friend Danny is having his annual crab feast. We are looking forward to going and hope that Chris is feeling well enough to attend.
Our other good friends from Rochester, Rich and Jill, have come down for the crab feast early. They stopped in Frederick and Chris and I are taking them to Gettysburg to tour the battlefield. Their son Ryan, who passed away last year, went there with my boys and I back in Oct/Nov of 2005. It was a very memorable trip for him, so we wanted to take Jill on that same trip as well.
It rained earlier today but looks like it will hold off for the rest of the day.
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Monday, August 13, 2007
Sunday in the Park
Sunday she was up and about. I took the boys to go and play paintball. A small price to pay for the luxury of total quiet in the house for 6 hours!!! I cut the grass as we finally have gotten some rain! Alex finally came home from NJ after spending a few days up there.
COMSTAR sponsored the band on this day and she was supposed to be there to introduce them and help set up a table. She did great and was able to sit at their table for a little bit and introduced the band!!! The weather was nice and we stayed for the entire concert. Very nice to get away for awhile.
Friday, August 10, 2007
Not feeling well
Today she is still feeling bad. So hopefully it will just be a matter of time. If she's not feeling okay by mid afternoon we're going to call the Dr.'s office to check in with him.
Alex is out of town. She's at the Jersey shore until this weekend. The boys, well they're tired of each other. Can't wait until school starts.
Tonight we were supposed to go to some friends house in southern MD to christen their new basement. Unfortunately, we won't be going. Everyone understands. We really hate it when we can't get together with friends and relatives because of the treatment, but we do know that everyone is thinking of us and wishing us well.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Alex's Lacrosse
This week she received a couple of invitations to play next summer on a team that is going to Australia, and another team that is going to London/Germany. She excited but knows the costs involved!
She leaves on the 25th to go back to school for her sophomore year.
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Back from the Lake
PICTURES are now posted for those who wish to see them.
Alex and Tyler returned home late on Thursday evening. So Thursday night Michael, Chris and I went to the Honi Honi
Friday morning we cleaned up the house (pictured above) and left around noon. It was nice to be home but I can tell you that we'd rather be there !!!!! Many thanks to Bob and Barb for allowing us to use their house. It is just incredible.
Here's a picture of one right down the road from it as well. A little fixer upper! Chrissy really likes it!
Monday is back to work and back to the daily grind. Today is Tyler's 14'th Birthday! 14! So we'll be celebrating that I guess....
Friday, August 3, 2007
On the lake with a BIG boat.
Wednesday we went out and rented a pontoon boat to tool around on the lake. Well I rented a 24' boat which is fairly large but not too bad. When I got there for our 10 am shove off that boat was out of service and we instead got a free upgrade to the 28' Party Barge!!! It was huge and for just the 5 of us was more than we needed. We had a blast. That's me at the helm! That's boat talk I think for driver.
We went to visit the end of the lake where the dam was and then stopped for lunch on the barge, I mean boat. Tyler fished while we sat and enjoyed the beautiful day. After that we went tubing for a couple of hours. It is always a highlight of the week for us to get a boat. We gotten several different type over the years but the big pontoon boat is the way to go.
That evening we all went to the will o' the wisp and had a very special make your own pasta bowl dinner. You pick out the ingredients and they make it up for you right there in front of you. I had the pink sauce made with Vodka!
Afterwards we drove around to various locations near the lake just to look at the scenery.
On the lake with a BIG boat.
Wednesday we went out and rented a pontoon boat to tool around on the lake. Well I rented a 24' boat which is fairly large but not too bad. When I got there for our 10 am shove off that boat was out of service and we instead got a free upgrade to the 28' Party Barge!!! It was huge and for just the 5 of us was more than we needed. We had a blast. That's me at the helm! That's boat talk I think for driver.
We went to visit the end of the lake where the dam was and then stopped for lunch on the barge, I mean boat. Tyler fished while we sat and enjoyed the beautiful day. After that we went tubing for a couple of hours. It is always a highlight of the week for us to get a boat. We gotten several different type over the years but the big pontoon boat is the way to go.
That evening we all went to the will o' the wisp and had a very special make your own pasta bowl dinner. You pick out the ingredients and they make it up for you right there in front of you. It was excellent! Afterwards we drove around to various locations near the lake just to look at the scenery.