Rich and Jill were able to tour the same locations that Rich and his son Ryan visited before. Chrissy has always liked Gettysburg but has not been there in awhile. She unfortunately was not feeling great and the heat was a little high but she still managed to get out a few times and see all the stuff she loves to look at. I took some pictures while we were there. You can look at them here.

Here is his picture on a canon that we will forever remember. As you can see from his big smile, he really enjoyed the visit.
The other picture is of Rich and Jill standing at the same monument that Ryan and Rich stood at as well. Smiles all around!
After, we came back home we went and gathered up the kids and went out to dinner to everyone's favorite restaurant, La Paz, mexican. Great friends, great family, great food, thanks God for a great day...
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