Well Saturday was move-in day for Alex back at Lycoming. She was excited to go back to school. Unfortunately, Chris was not able to make the trip to Williamsport. She continues to feel blah. Friday night she got sick before dinner and went to bed very early. Saturday she felt okay but not great. She's waiting to hear from the Dr. about her tests and has an appointment right after labor day. Instead Michael was the chosen one and he went with us.
While we were in Williamsport the Little League world series was going on. Saturday was the us and international championship games. You can always go to the games for free if you want to sit in the outfield on the hill. We were able to score 2 tix for Saturday's games AND for the championship game on Sunday. Since Alex was just finishing up her move Michael and I went to the game and she's going to go to today's game. The seats were fantastic! Right behind home plate and 11 rows up from the field. Just like watching in a regular little league park. It was a great time and great games.
Michael and I stopped and had dinner on the way home and then made it home around 9:30. A long day but nice. We're certainly going to miss Alex this year, but at the same time we're very proud of her and her accomplishments.
The pictures are from Alex. She went to the championship game on Sunday and what and exciting game it was.
Chrissy is unfortunately still in bed. Her back is really starting to hurt her a great deal. She can't sleep and is starting to get down.
While we were in Williamsport the Little League world series was going on. Saturday was the us and international championship games. You can always go to the games for free if you want to sit in the outfield on the hill. We were able to score 2 tix for Saturday's games AND for the championship game on Sunday. Since Alex was just finishing up her move Michael and I went to the game and she's going to go to today's game. The seats were fantastic! Right behind home plate and 11 rows up from the field. Just like watching in a regular little league park. It was a great time and great games.
The pictures are from Alex. She went to the championship game on Sunday and what and exciting game it was.
Chrissy is unfortunately still in bed. Her back is really starting to hurt her a great deal. She can't sleep and is starting to get down.
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