Thursday, September 6, 2007

Late night update.

I know everyone is so very interested in how Chris is doing. I know how important the blog is to you and will try very hard to keep it updated. Today (Thursday) was a much better day. Her pain levels have lowered a lot. She still has trouble standing and walking but is able to do so with much less pain. That is good.

She had some x-rays, and ultrasound this morning. I stayed home this morning to see the boys off to school. I then caught up on some things around the house and for work. I picked Ty up at school and took him to golf practice and then came to the hospital around 4pm. Jenny brought Chris's Mom and Dad to the hospital today to see her.

When I arrived they were getting ready to take her to get the tube inserted into her abdomen so that the fluid can be easily drained off if it starts to accumulate again. They had to sedate her for the procedure and there was the recovery room thing to deal with. It went well and I got to sit with Jenny, Mom and Dad for awhile. They left and I went back to see her in recovery.

When we got back to the room she was finally able to eat dinner. She had not eaten all day while waiting for the procedure. Her appetite is really good and she is pretty fond of the health shakes.

I spent 3 more hours sitting and talking with her. She is really much better than she was on tuesday. It is really great!

Tonight, thanks to some very special people, I am spending the night in a hotel in downtown Baltimore. This will allow me to get some extra sleep and still be at the hospital early tomorrow morning! Thanks very much to you guys. You know who you are! Oh yeah, the boys are staying at a neighbors house for a weekday sleepover thus allowing me to stay her. Thanks there too. Thanks, thanks, thanks... to each and everyone of you out there reading this and helping us out.

We found out today that Chris is not allowed to have flowers in her room. It is an oncology rule. She received a couple orders today and they truly brightened her room for a while. I will take them home tomorrow where she can see them when she gets home.

No indication when yet. But if she keeps getting stronger like she is today, hopefully it won't be too long.

Good night from Bal'more.

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