Saturday, September 1, 2007

Some help for Charlie

This morning Chris's Mom and Dad came over. This gave Tyler and I a chance to get out of the house for a little while. We went to Home Depot for a couple things and went to the lacrosse shed to do some clean up. On the way home we stopped for a quick lunch. That was nice to get away with him.

Chris and her mom talked a lot while I was gone. She is still not doing well and in fact is almost back to her the level she was at on Thursday. Her mouth is dry and she is suffering from a great deal of pain. It is killing me to see her this way. She is trying to eat some and drink but is not making enough progress. She needs a lot of liquids to replenish herself and she's not even close.

Her sister Jenny came by around 5 or so. She hasn't seen her in awhile so it was really nice for her to sit and chat. Jenny is a home health care nurse and has a good handle on all this. While we all agree that she needs to replenish the fluids in Chris we don't want to take her back to the hospital unless we have to. That may come tomorrow if she doesn't show improvement over the next 12 hours or so. We/She just can't do it here at home as quickly as it is needed. The GOOD news is that Chris has not thrown up since 12:00 noon on thursday. So that still is progress I suppose.

While Jenny was here she told the boys and I to get out and have dinner. With Alex gone it's just the 3 of us a lot when Chris is not well. We went to Waffle House for breakfast/dinner as they put it. It was nice to sit and relax with them. This has been extremely tough on the boys too. They help out a lot! Yesterday and today was laundry day and they helped fold, sort, and put away about 8 loads of laundry! I couldn't do it without them.

Jenny left and said she'd be back tomorrow and give us some more time together. It's a wonderful weekend weatherwise and we need to try and get out and do something.

I'm tired, but I'm also really worried. 3 years of fighting cancer and Chris has only felt sick 1 or 2 times. She's missed a handful of days at work. Now, she's been out for almost 2 weeks straight and is really physically and mentally unstable. Work has ALWAYS been great for Chris. She loves her job and most importantly loves the people she works with. It's a great place. When she is there she is part of the family and they all look after her. Now she's away from them and she is feeling the separation.

I'll keep you posted as best as I can. Please put and extra prayer in the prayer box tomorrow morning when you go to church. We could use it.


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