Sunday, September 2, 2007

Sunday - Beautiful day outside, a little better inside.

Last night I went to sleep around 1am after an exhausting day. Chris got up 3 times in the night. She needs help getting out of bed and to the bathroom. We got up around 6:30 this morning. She actually got up and came downstairs for awhile.

Jenny came back today and stayed with Chris all afternoon. Gave me a chance to do some things for work and get outside for a little bit. What a wonderful day it was.They sat in the family room all day so Chris was not in bed most of the day. Very tiring for her but certainly signs of improvement.

Chris was doing somewhat better. Walking, slowly and painfully, but walking. She did fall down once on the stairway landing. She get's around with a walker upstairs. She is eating some more and drinking some more. Not a lot but enough to get a little energy back. No vomiting since Thursday so that's progress.

Jenny left around 6 right before we ate dinner. Tyler is at the movies and Michael is outside
playing. Chris went back upstairs and fell asleep immediately.

We'll see what tomorrow brings. She has an appointment with her oncologist on

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